Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tools and Tips to help Stylists and Salon Owners Thrive

Industry veteran Miki Wright has an article in this month's issue of Beauty Store Business. She has started a web based mentoring program for stylists and salon owners. She also has a blog and a myspace.
Check them out!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Marketing Your Business

Ahhh - the marketing plan! One of the single greatest pieces of information you can develop about your business & without which you will be like a fish out of water.

Granted, there are things you will feel instinctively about marketing your business. But know for a fact that there is an art & strategy to marketing - it all it's many forms - and the wise business owner will plan this out (again and again).

One mistake I think owners make is believing that their job is to run their business - as in physically operate it daily - and that's it. If that's you and your goal is to own a job (to borrow the phrase from Robert Kiyosaki) then do yo thang!

But most of us decide to go into business with the idea that our company will eventually be operated by highly qualified individuals we hire and will afford us the opportunity to go do other things we really WANT to do. Reading Rich Dad Poor Dad was my first glimpse at knowing the difference between owning a job and owning a business.

The point is that if you want to set out to build a business, then plan how you will market it first.
Investing in getting this done is wise, and just like your business plan, there are many options.

Marketing Plan ProMarketing plan pro is a cost effective and comprehensive software that will help you plan, guide and educate you on what to include.

Whatever option you choose get your ideas on paper and follow the plan!

Selecting Vendors / Suppliers - 4 tips for success

One of the most frustrating things getting started for me was finding vendors and setting up accounts. Especially starting on a tight budget. A good piece of advice one supplier offered was to limit the number of vendors to between 3 and 5. The question is which 3-5 vendors do you choose? We have had as many as 50 accounts with various suppliers over the last 4+ years. It all depends on the product lines you want to carry, but if you truly want to develop a niche, thankfully you don't have to carry EVERYTHING - and anyway, you couldn't!

In the accessory hair industry there are so many vendors it can make your head spin. Many have very similar products and more national exposure with brand name recognition. Others have equally good products and may not be as well known. You have to know your target market and look at the products from the cost and quality perspective as well as if the company has products your customers want.

One of the most important criteria for selection of vendors in my opinion is the quality of their customer service. I have cut vendors for their apparent lack of concern or care for me as a customer. Even if my account is small compared to others, I still expect to be given the same level of service as the big buyers. The reason I have come to expect this is because I do get it from some vendors and not others. So call me spoiled - but if I'm going to make an effort to promote your products I feel I deserve to be treated well.

For example, vendors that call me or email me with their specials, to check in with me or just plain ask how business is going - they get my time, attention and business. These vendors usually offer to send out sample orders with payment terms - like 30 or 60 days to pay. That helps tremendously with cash flow. They are doing their due diligence to increase business for themselves by building RELATIONSHIP with their customers and as the retailer, you need to do this for your customers as well.

The vendor location is also important - the closer they are to you the faster you can get stuff from them.

So just to summarize:
1 - You may start out with many vendors/suppliers but begin to narrow it down to the best.
2 - The best will be the ones that have what your customers want at the PRICE and QUALITY they expect.
3 - The best will also be the ones that care to serve you whether you order one piece or thousands.
4 - The closer geographically the better.

Here is a breif list of vendors that have worked with me thru the good times and bad to help me keep my business going.

Amekor Industries - Distributors of Beverly Johnson and Estetica Designs
Joseph and Eddie are terrific sales reps! The products are fantastic and the prices are affordable. They have regular sales and specials each month and are attentive to our needs.

C&S Fashions - Distributors of Aspen, Dream USA and Nalee Collections
Ashley is a great sales rep. The products are high quality and stylish. They send out regular sample orders and work with us on payment terms.

Westbay Inc. - Sepia & Elegante brands. They make it easy to get orders via COD and accept business checks as payment (so u don't have to run all over town for money orders) and they don't charge extra for COD's either. They are on the west coast so our shipments arrive fast. Beth is a great sales rep & she returns calls promptly.

There are other good ones but these are our top 4.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Preparing yourself for business

You can never learn too much about starting, owning and running a business. When I first started, I knew there was a lot I didn't know. I knew I didn't know IT, but I also knew how to watch and learn. One of the best methods for learning is to find a person or people who are doing IT well and get in their presence.

I think now we are at an unprecedented time in the world where those who have made IT are open to sharing what they know with others who have what it takes to get IT too. Granted, they will make lots of money by sharing what they know but I honestly believe that the greater benefit is in creating a world where more abundance is getting spread around and this just helps everyone.

Anyway, I checked out Donald Trump's site ( I mean who better to learn how to do IT from? ) and I found a whole pile of free information in addition to the programs that have a fee. I really believe it to be helpful information. You can check it out at these links

FREE Course from Donald Trump

Fire Your Boss

Imagine: Your Own Business
No Money Down Business

Become Rich Like Trump

Trump University's Entreprenuership Master Program

Free Report on Branding

Get $2400 in Free Tools when you buy CRE 101

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Plan as you go business plan

Here is a great resource for understanding how to write your business plan. It's a book by businessman Tim Berry called The Plan as You Go Business Plan. (check out his blog)
The book is on sale for $20 0r less depending on where you look, such as

To get a free ebook copy of The Plan as You Go Business Plan fill out the form below.

What is your occupation?

What are your business goals?

Can we email you with offers from our partners?



You are planning to start your business


Email Address:

form mail

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More on Business Plans - The key to success

Business Plan Basics

Courtesy of Palo Alto Software, Inc.

The best way to show bankers, venture capitalists, and angel
investors that you are worthy of financial support is to show
them a great business plan. Make sure that your plan is clear,
focused and realistic. Then show them that you have the tools,
talent and team to make it happen. Your business plan is like
your calling card, it will get you in the door where you'll have
to convince investors and loan officers that you can put your
plan into action.

Once you have raised the money to start or expand your business,
your plan will serve as a road map for your business. It is not
a static document that you write once and put away. You will
reference it often, making sure you stay focused and on track,
and meet milestones. It will change and develop as your business

Do I need a business plan?

Not everyone who starts and runs a business begins with a
business plan, but it certainly helps to have one. If you are
seeking funding from a venture capitalist, you will certainly
need a comprehensive business plan that is well thought out and
contains sound business reasoning.

If you are approaching a banker for a loan for a start-up
business, your loan officer may suggest a Small Business
Administration (SBA) loan, which will require a business plan. If
you have an existing business and are approaching a bank for
capital to expand the business, they often will not require a
business plan, but they may look more favorably on your
application if you have one.

Reasons for writing a business plan include:

  • Support a loan application

  • Raise equity funding

  • Define and fix objectives and programs to achieve those

  • Create regular business review and course correction

  • Define a new business

  • Define agreements between partners

  • Set a value on a business for sale or legal purposes

  • Evaluate a new product line, promotion, or expansion

What's in a business plan?

A business plan should prove that your business will generate
enough revenue to cover your expenses and make a satisfactory
return for bankers or investors.

  1. Executive Summary--features the highlights of your plan and
    sells your idea in two pages or less.

  2. Company Summary--a factual description of your company,
    ownership, and history.

  3. Products (or Services or both)--describes your products
    and/or services and how they stand out from competitive products
    and services.

  4. Market Analysis-provides a summary of your typical customers,
    competitive landscape, market size, and expected market

  5. Strategy and Implementation-describes how you will sell your
    product, how you will put your plan into action, and establishes

  6. Management Summary-provides background on the management
    team, their experiences, and key accomplishments.

  7. Financial Plan-contains key financials including sales, cash
    flow, and profits.

What makes a successful business plan?

  • A well thought out idea

  • Clear and concise writing

  • A clear and logical structure

  • Illustrates management's ability to make the business a

  • Shows profitability

How do you write a business plan?

Sitting down looking at a blank computer screen as you prepare to
start your business plan can be daunting. You may want to look
at some alternatives that will make the process a bit easier.

Use Business Planning Software

A good business planning software package will provide you with
an outline for a well-developed, objective-based and professional
business plan. Software packages will remove the problem of
starting from scratch by structuring your plan for you. The
software should ask you the right questions that will pull out
the most important underlying concepts within your business idea.
Find out more about the leading software package on the market, Business Plan Pro.

Buy a Book

There are many good books on the market that will help you to
understand what needs to go into a good business plan. You can
read Tim Berry's newest book, "The Plan-As-You-Go Business Plan".

Sample Business Plans has 100+ free sample plans to help guide you through your "writers block". The sample plans available are in all types of categories from construction to retail, consulting to online businesses.

Hire a Professional

A professional consultant will create the business plan for you,
but you still have to be prepared to think through your business
and understand the underlying concepts in your business idea.
You will have to work closely with the consultant to ensure that
he or she develops a good plan that accurately represents your
business or business idea.

Business planning resources

Business Plan Pro

Here are some of Palo Alto Software's business planning resources:
