Friday, November 21, 2008

Marketing Your Business

Ahhh - the marketing plan! One of the single greatest pieces of information you can develop about your business & without which you will be like a fish out of water.

Granted, there are things you will feel instinctively about marketing your business. But know for a fact that there is an art & strategy to marketing - it all it's many forms - and the wise business owner will plan this out (again and again).

One mistake I think owners make is believing that their job is to run their business - as in physically operate it daily - and that's it. If that's you and your goal is to own a job (to borrow the phrase from Robert Kiyosaki) then do yo thang!

But most of us decide to go into business with the idea that our company will eventually be operated by highly qualified individuals we hire and will afford us the opportunity to go do other things we really WANT to do. Reading Rich Dad Poor Dad was my first glimpse at knowing the difference between owning a job and owning a business.

The point is that if you want to set out to build a business, then plan how you will market it first.
Investing in getting this done is wise, and just like your business plan, there are many options.

Marketing Plan ProMarketing plan pro is a cost effective and comprehensive software that will help you plan, guide and educate you on what to include.

Whatever option you choose get your ideas on paper and follow the plan!

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